“Our vision is to increase the scope of the CBE Graduate Symposium and to strengthen our relationship with our professional network.”


The annual CBE Graduate Symposium brings students and faculty together with alumni and industry representatives to demonstrate the remarkable and innovative research investigated by the academic community. We provide this opportunity to promote personal growth in students, while connecting them with professionals. By partnering with us, you will create and foster a relationship that will be mutually beneficial for both your company and our school. You will have the opportunity to interact with our future professionals, explore collaborative research projects with faculty attendees, and make your name more visible to students in the department.

sponsorship tiers

There are four sponsorship tiers. Sponsorship acknowledgement includes:

  • Announcements on the Symposium website and in every event email
  • Inclusion in a rotating presentation on a screen in Olin Hall through January
  • Introduction & acknowledgement at the beginning of the Symposium
  • Opportunity to participate as a panelist in the Industry Representative Panel
  • Placement of company logo on the screen during the event*

BRONZE | $100
  • Sponsorship acknowledgement
  • Best Poster” award named after the company (first to sponsor)
SILVER | $200
  • Sponsorship acknowledgement
  • Best Oral Presentation” award named after the company (first to sponsor)
GOLD | $500
  • Sponsorship acknowledgement 
  • Best Paper of the Year” award named after the company (first to sponsor)
PLATINUM | $1000
  • Sponsorship acknowledgement 
  • Name the 2024 Symposium (first to sponsor)

Please contact us if you are interested in sponsoring the Symposium. Planning for the Symposium will conclude by Wednesday, January 12, 2023. Donations not covered by the tier welcome as well.

*Size of logo dependent on sponsorship tier